1. Overview
  2. Chatbot Whatsapp
  3. Cost of Whatsapp template message

Cost of Whatsapp template message

👉 Prices on the official Facebook website

What is a WhatsApp template message?

Starting from March 1st, 2023, the cost of sending a template message* on WhatsApp is approximately €0.05 + VAT, and this cost is only for the template message itself, while the rest of the conversation remains free. For example, if you send 100 automated messages within a month, you will pay €5 in addition to our monthly fee.

We do not profit from individual messages.

*the first automatic message sent. 👉 Template messages are used to send a message on WhatsApp to a customer who has never been in contact with your company before or who has not responded to an existing chat for at least 24 hours. These templates must be pre-approved by WhatsApp in order to be used. This is a rule imposed by the WhatsApp API to limit excessive spam from companies towards users, and thus preserve the efficiency of this channel.
How do they work?
If a company wants to contact a new number for the first time, they must use a template message.
Once the contact responds (or sends the first message to the company), it will be possible to respond with all necessary messages (text and files of any type) during the first 24 hours (these are defined as session messages).
To summarize:
▶️ If the company wants to contact a new contact or write to an existing contact after more than 24 hours, the company must use a template message, for a fee.
▶️ If the contact writes to the company, the company can respond freely for 24 hours.


WhatsApp API does not have an app like the one you are used to using. The WhatsApp Business API is a solution specifically designed for large companies. This version provides advanced and unique features that you cannot find in the normal WhatsApp Business app, such as automatic sending to callers.
Meplo customers will have access to Meplochat, an app to manage communication with customers.
The app is available on Android and iPhone, but you can also manage conversations with customers through a browser, which will be pre-configured by us. You will log in with the username "yourbusinessname@meplo.it" and the password provided after activation.
To activate Meplo, only for plans with WhatsApp sending, you need to have a Facebook account. From the business manager panel (now called portfolio manager), you will need to enter a payment method (credit card or bank account) to pay Facebook directly for the template messages you send monthly, approximately €0.05 each (the rest of the conversation is free).
To use WhatsApp messages, after registering and subscribing to Meplo, you will need to create a message input form and then a Business Manager on Facebook. If you already have one, you can use that or create a new one, just follow the instructions we provide.
Please note that the cost of messages is ONLY for messages sent and NOT if a customer initiates the conversation*, for example, if the customer contacts us through a link on a website or a Facebook page, etc. Essentially, if the customer starts the chat, the rest of the conversation is free.
*The flow you choose on the chatbot will start when a user contacts us. Clearly the message will be different from the model message.
BEWARE anyway! If 24 hours pass since the last message exchanged in the chat, you will need to send a "template message," for a fee, to communicate with the customer. To prevent spam and ensure that businesses respond quickly to customers, WhatsApp has introduced this 24-hour window. This means that the company has 24 hours to respond to customer messages. After these 24 hours, companies can only send a template message, at a cost of approximately €0.05 + VAT. Template messages can be sent to start a new conversation or to respond to a customer after the 24 hours have passed.

😉 You will have a step-by-step guide for sending your promotional messages via Whatsapp and for configuring the Chatbot.

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