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  3. Whatsapp Marketing | CRM

Whatsapp Marketing | CRM

Whatsapp Marketing | CRM with sending promotional messages

In an increasingly connected world, marketing by sending massive promotional messages on WhatsApp has proven to be an excellent opportunity for small and large businesses. Thanks to its large user base and intuitive nature, WhatsApp has become an effective and impactful marketing tool. In this article, we will explore how to use a platform to send bulk messages on WhatsApp.The importance of sending mass promotional messages on WhatsApp

We do not profit from individual messages.

1. The importance of sending mass promotional messages on WhatsApp

a) Direct and personalized communication
By sending mass promotional messages on WhatsApp, companies can establish direct and personalized communication with customers. Unlike other marketing channels, WhatsApp allows you to reach customers quickly and easily, providing a more engaging and authentic user experience.
b) Impressive results
Using WhatsApp for marketing can lead to impressive results, thanks to its popularity and its ability to connect businesses to customers effectively. With over 1.5 billion active users in more than 180 countries, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world and represents a huge opportunity for businesses of all sizes.
c) Integration with other services, sending notifications, appointment reminders, creation of COUPONs directly from the chatbot.🎉 Unique in Italy!🇮🇹

One of the great potentials of our WhatsApp chatbot is its ability to integrate with other services, such as, for example, you can create promotional campaigns by sending COUPONS directly from the bot.Have a dedicated QR code, and when customers arrive at your venue they will just need to scan the QR code to verify their voucher/coupon. AWESOME 🥳
The Meplo platform allows companies to send massive promotional messages directly from the chatbot.


Meplo.it is a platform that allows you to send mass messages on WhatsApp instead of traditional SMS. This offers several advantages, including greater speed of delivery, greater possibility of customer engagement and a reduction in costs compared to SMS.

2. Create a list of customers to send mass promotional messages on WhatsApp

a) Create a contact list
b) Select recipients
Once you have created your contact list, it is important to carefully select the recipients of your promotional messages. It is crucial to ensure that customers have given their consent to receive communications from the company and that they have saved the company's phone number in their address book. Furthermore, you must respect WhatsApp's policies regarding sending bulk messages and avoid sending spam messages or unauthorized promotions.
c) Create and send the message
After selecting the recipients, you can create the promotional message to send. It is important that the message is short, interesting and easily understandable. Additionally, you can use text formatting, images, videos, and emojis to make your message more attractive and engaging.

3. Strategies and tips for marketing on WhatsApp

a) Respect WhatsApp policies
b) Use groups and tags to simplify mailings.
c) Create unconventional marketing campaigns
Since WhatsApp does not allow the insertion of advertisements and is not created as a pure business tool, it is important to be creative in how you approach potential customers through the platform. For example, you can encourage users to send messages to the company, offer exclusive benefits to those who reach your business on WhatsApp or use WhatsApp status if you only use the app, but this is not the topic covered in this article .

4. Using the WhatsApp Business API

API costs and limitations
On meplo.it the new API cloud platform is used and the cost of each template message is €0.05 paid directly to Meta/facebook. This only applies to the first message, the rest of the conversation is free.

We do not profit from individual messages.

5. Limitations and precautions in using WhatsApp for marketing

a) Risks associated with sending mass messages
Sending mass messages on WhatsApp can lead to risks, such as blocking your company account or phone number due to spam reports from users. It is important to use the feature with caution and make sure you comply with WhatsApp's policies on the matter.
b) Responsible use and respect for customers
It is important to use WhatsApp for marketing in a responsible and respectful way for customers, avoiding sending invasive or annoying messages. It is essential to offer quality customer service, provide useful information and interact with customers in an authentic and personal way.

6. Meplo.it: a solution for sending mass messages on WhatsApp

a) Sending mass messages
b) Support and training
🇬🇧 Support and instructions to customers to help them understand how to use the platform and make the most of the features offered. Through a dedicated knowledge base, Meplo provides useful information and advice for using WhatsApp effectively in marketing.
c) Whatsapp CRM for customer management.
Don't invest money on other expensive CRMs! With the Meplo.it chabot you will be able to manage customers, assign tags, notes, and filter customers into specific folders as well as send messages.

🇬🇧 Instructions:


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